an invitation... come and eat

eat dinner - partake at the table...

for doesn't it look as though there is a table enclosed in this tulip - with some seated around it?

see - there i go again - stretching the bounds of imagination - come along for the ride - jump the bridge - allowing yourself to believe - also known as suspending disbelief... you can do it - i know you can - anytime we push ourselves outside the boundaries a tad more than we're used to doing - it makes it that much easier the next time - and then the next - before you know it - you are seeing things you never thought you would - in places you never deemed possible -

i chose to believe there are all sorts of little events and incidents like this - waiting for me in nature - to be discovered - explored - identified - for my eye of imagination to widen upon - who can pass up a bit of creative expression - especially when you know it's going to take you on a path - headed for...


happy day.....

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