Picture Consequences

By consequences

Question time

Hmm? Ah, I see that you have questions for me. Please, ask them.

Why, yes. I think you may be right. This is a rather smart coat I'm wearing. In better condition than you first thought? Well, perhaps so. You thought it rather grubby and torn, just earlier? That may also be true.

I must confess that I feel better by the minute. As I said before, generosity - your generosity - makes a big difference in this world. Did I not say earlier that I have known life's ups and downs?

But, you ask, how could your small gift of a few coins transform my situation in such a short time? In truth, I'm not exactly sure - I simply know that it is the truth. The tiniest part of generosity is all I require; it becomes like a seed which I grow within me.

But come, let your Dutch courage embolden you. There is a question which you would ask, but you fear might sound foolish. Ask away, my friend!

Am I ... yes? What was that you said? Speak up now, old fellow. Am I ... Santa Claus?

Story begins here

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