
By CharlotteJ

Dusty Sunbathing

Its been a long day…on our own, that’s me, Tess, and Millie in case you were wondering! They (Chris and Charlotte) left the house early, we slept for a little while (8 hours or so) and then ran around the house pulling black and white fur everywhere and then finally Charlotte came home just in time for the sun to be setting on the deck and we, Millie and I could be let out to enjoy the last rays of the day and oh how lovely they were and how lovely the dust was on my perfect black coat. Charlotte struggles to take a photo of me because I am black and because I hate the camera, but I think this is OK for blip land.
Charlotte and Chris are still working away. Millie is now asleep and I am about to go out to check on the mice population…well, someone has to!!

With love from Tess

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