
By CharlotteJ

All I can muster!

Sorry folks, this is all I can muster up today...very dry with blip opportunities, everything that I tried to photograph moved or my battery died!! Also a dry day mainly due to work and mainly due to a few telephone calls bouncing around...I am a bit distracted! My daddy was taken poorly yesterday whilst at an RAF function! The RAF guys and girls apparently, according to Mum, where excellent with him but he ended up in hospital as a precaution and doctors confirmed that he had not had another stroke. Good News! Today he was back at the hospital for a different reason; he's got to have a little op in about three weeks to remove a little item of slight concern but whilst he was there his consultant did a check on him and his bloods are a little too thin for liking, all a balancing act!! Anyway, he seems chirpy so perhaps yesterday was all just a bit much....I do hate waiting for the phone to ring with news on his health.
I hope to do better tomorrow ?

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