my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

rocking out - it's what I do.

The sun's out! Quick! To the park!

Met up with Anna and Sophie in the Botanics. Planned to go a wander but Sophie seemed content with running between 3 trees for 40 minutes occasionally picking up 2 sticks and drumming on them. She's grown up so much since I last saw her.

Sam spent £50 in the butchers today buying A LOT of meat. A Massive shin of beef, half a pork shoulder and loadsa mince. He's made a start on the big batch cook - making lots of different tasty meals to put in the freezer for when we (who am I kidding?) I mean he, is too tired to cook anything when the baby's born. The cook off coninues tomorrow - daube of beef, pulled pork, cassoulet, bolognaise, chilli and good old fashioned scottish mince and gravy.

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