my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

London #1


Train at ten. Shared a table for a while with Eva and isabella who were quite taken by us and our wee boy. They spent much of the 4 and a half hour trip down to London drawing us pictures. Dexter did surprisingly well. Stayed asleep in his buggy for first wee while and then woke quite excited to discover he was on a train. He snacked and snacked! (we all do on long journeys, right?) and cuddled me loads and waved at other passengers. 
We took a short break in our travels to sit on the steps outside the fancypants new hotel at St Pancras with a bottle of beer - I was convinced we'd be asked to move on but weren't. this picture isn't done with a fisheye or anything like that by the way. We then travelled onto my aunt's house in Dulwich where I finally got to meet my cousin's 2 year old.
A far from straightforward bedtime for Dexter - strange surroundings and it is absolutely scorchio in London and the moment. Dinner and animated conversation with my aunt and uncle around the election. 

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