11 min

In between a Winco grocery store trip, school pick-up and allergy shots I got to spend 11 min with Isaac and a great cup of coffee this morning. One minute for every year we've been married as we celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary. No need for flowers, cards or even a dinner out, those 11 min spent with this incredible husband, father and friend was all I needed to make me feel truly blessed.

Alex had his last allergy shot appointment today on his initial "dose-up". We will now look at "Maintenance" which will be one shot a week, then every 2 weeks, 3 weeks and eventually once a month. Alex has been getting 3 shots a week since January 1st and has done it all without one single complaint. The Lego set I bought him after his appt. as a reward is hardly enough for me to show my appreciation for how "easy" he has made this process. Cheers to a great day!

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