Too cute

Grumpy night
1am, 3am and 5am
Cal cough given of first two
Calpol given on third time

Charlotte came into our bed at 5am as daddy was heading off to work, after initial wriggles etc she settled down (lying horizontal to the bed) and the next thing I knew was it was 7:55!

Up, breakfast, dressed etc.

Emergency trip to boots for more Calpol, then off on big adventure to find auntie Katie and Lucy.

I thought I was late, but we ended up beating them to it. Great place. Very friendly animals that were happy to be fed - llamas, goats, reindeers, more goats and chickens (there were pigs too but we didn't see these)

Yummy sausage sandwich for lunch (my lunch is not connected to the lack of pigs spotted) Charlotte was asleep in the car before we had even made it it the end of the drive, carried her up to her room and into bed where she slept for another hour!

Quick trip to the doctors to get Charlotte some hayfever medicine on repeat, slightly comical moment of her announcing Mummy Poo very loudly to all in the waiting room. Luckily I had chucked the change bag in at the last minute so we did nappy change in the boot!

Home, Peppa, bath, bed....

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