
We were meant to be going as a family to help out at the tortoise health checks in Birmingham this morning, (think mot for tortoises) but after I had had yet another night of grotty sleep and Charlotte was awake from six we concluded taking her somewhere where she had to stay in her buggy, rather than running about, was unfair. So daddy went and we stayed at home. Charlotte had another two hour morning sleep, then wanted to play with her books (pic 1).
Charlotte really enjoyed her lunch, we had done chores like get car washed, fill up with fuel, get vegetables for tea when suddenly it was 11;45..... Did quick drive through and got her sone chicken bites. With the batter removed she devoured the chicken and the smattering of fries I had presucked to desalt! To compensate for the bad lunch we had raisins, banana and orange for desert (pic 2 is Charlotte sucking orange juice off her fingers)
Daddy came back after lunch, having also done emergency drive through! Daddy thought it was hilarious to put Charlotte in the toy box (pic 3), Charlotte also thought this was great fun.
Nanny and grandad came over for a couple of hours, Charlotte was quite weary of them at the start, crying, clinging to us, but settled after awhile.
Bath, night garden, milk, story, running about!!!! (That's not part of night routine) more milk, sleep.
Work tomorrow!
Boo hiss

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