
By Rachee

An Eeyore Day

A few years ago, when I was undertaking an awareness course about my newly diagnosed Bipolar Disorder, the facilitator introduced the condition with images of Tigger (for Mania) and Eeyore (for depression).

Obviously this is far too simplistic to encapsulate the complexities of Manic Depression. But we can all have Eeyore or Tigger days, especially Eeyore days when we feel low, often without explanation.

Today was an Eeyore day for my beloved and it is not for me to say why. All I could do, can do, is listen, try and stay positive and patient, and if possible make her laugh.

I made her laugh, and although it didn't fix everything , it helped a little. And sometimes that little is all us Tiggers can do. But it's enough.

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