POG's Journal


Topless once again...


Up early(ish)... breakfast at the greasy spoon again - today's selection was

1 x bubble and squeak
2 x poached eggs
2 x bacon

Had a disagreement with a friend via SMS... I don't hate much in life but SMS's can be misinterpret so very easy.

Took the VW to the car wash... all scrubbed up ready for the commute to work next week.

Washed the BMW myself and gave it a little polish... then went off for a little more cruising... I must admit it would be a lot more fun with some female company anyway that's on the agenda for after my return from seeing Sarah...

Home now and refueled myself and now multitasking (checking out blips and watching one of my favorite films - Thomas Crown Affair)


A shot of the BMW... As i was looking at it i thought i will have to get back into taking better photo's again (the car looks better than the photo shows)... not that i was much better but i did get better results when i apply myself a little, anyway once step at a time.

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