It's A Small World Gingerbread Dolls
So here are my finished gingerbread dolls for the Small World bake sale tomorrow!
I am pretty proud of them, and there would have been more but I ran out of writing icing. My favourite is the igloo boy aka the eskimo and the Indian girl but her leg broke so I guess as well as racial equality she is also rooting for equality for people with disabilities!
I made a French boy for Guy, an Irish boy for Eric, an Irish girl for Ciara and a Scottish girl for Ali. Hope they will like them!
The start of my day was nice, I walked Luke to work and then arranged to meet Ali for breakfast on her break at 11am. In the meantime I went to buy some food colouring to decorate my biscuits with and once I had the colours I needed I went back to the store to wait for Ali.
We went to Taste and Ali ordered a full breakfast and I had bacon and eggs on toast, it was so needed!
When we had finished and I came home, I started on my icing straight away and by the time I was all finished I had worked on them all for about 7 hours!
Definitely injured myself by working on the dining table and not the counter top, I needed tiger balm on my neck and shoulder before bed, and I have the beginnings of bruises on the balls of each hand from rolling all that icing!
Anyway, Luke is especially happy that he gets to eat all the broken and left over gingerbread dolls!
Today I am grateful to Luke for making my neck and shoulder better with tiger balm and lots of love.
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