Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Machen Mountain View towards Draethen

Today we went for a walk from the house to the top of Machen Mountain, where I took this blip photo which looks over Draethen Village towards Cardiff and the Bristol Channel.

The farm buildings you can see belong to my friend Phil who owns Park Farm. We meet him near where I took this photo. He was out counting the new born lambs and reckons the average is 1.5 per pregnancy. We had a long chat and carried on down the long farm track past his house, where we met his wife, Andrea, who was pegging out the washing.

She's got a form of bone marrow cancer and is on a pile of tablets before she undertakes weeks of chemotherapy. Her son's wedding is in Dublin next February, so hopefully she'll be in good health for it.

On returning home I had a pile of photo's to edit. I watched Cardiff City beat Southampton 1-0 (away match) on a computer stream. A rare win - and we are going to need some more if we are to avoid an almost certain drop back to The Championship..

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