
By Munroist4113

Puffins on the Farnes

What a day! For a change we a clear, sunny day for our trip to the Farne Islands. A friend needed a boost and a distraction so what could be better than a trip out with four friends to these wonderful islands, only 45 minutes from home. We had almost 90 minutes puttering round the Inner and Outer Farnes with a great commentary. We stopped to watch seals basking on the rocks before seeing Longstone Lighthouse, from where Grace Darling and her father rowed out to rescue people from a wrecked ship in Victorian times, then we had an hour ashore to watch the birds on Inner Farne. It was wonderful - especially as the Arctic Terns, notorious for bombing down on visitors, had yet to arrive.

I was spoiled for choice for a blip - I got some great shots of the shags with their crest and greenish plumage sitting on their eggs. There were the sweet little kittiwakes snuggling together in their pairs on precarious ledges high on the cliff, masses of guillemots and some razorbills. The puffins weren't as numerous as on previous visits, but didn't seem to be in pairs or nesting yet so more may come. (There were still hundreds though.)

Then back to The Ship Inn for a half pint and a plate of crab soup. I would encourage anyone to go to the Farnes, if you ever get the chance, between now and June, as it is a wonderful experience - even though I've been several times, it is always thrilling.

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