twinned with trumpton


Treacle tart

Day at home; started promptly; cos I knew I had an appointment later;

Drifted through various case reports, photo uploading, e mails, blah.

Also trying to plan for later, so managed to knuckle down to work for the morning, but at lunchtime, I took Stripey back to the nursery and that shot my concentration for work.

Both lawyer visit and that evening loomed large and in terms of productivity, my good morning was undone by a restless afternoon.

Wrote lists re:lawyer - nothing too revolutionary, but just so I don't miss anything.

And then tried to figure a plan for the senses for later.

Lawyer was OK, seems - straightforward; given the circumstances, anyway!

And home, chatted to Julie who I saw at the bottom of her street; Asda, then home.

In, hurriedly cooked treacle tart as I needed that soon; prepped the salsa, etc.

And so into the evening. Drink, chat, game, dinner, chat, dessert, mad dash for the last bus, back to bed, head full of it all.

May take a day or two for it to settle; but intense, immense.

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