With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

The wind in his hair

How varied the days can be. One minute I am in school with all that shenanistufff. The next a bronzed Ben (still a bit fuzzy after yesterday) and I are walking up in the Port in Santa Catalina, with a black cat and the cliffs and Ben armed with local history from Salvador. Then we have unruly sofa beds. fuse boxes and towels. Finally (maybe?!) some sort of dinner whilst Ben researches manatees and Agu independently (what a surprise) investigates a music software package and produces a piece of music. Really. Music. With sound bites, a subtle Spanish rhythm over a dub base and God knows what else. He was on fire! Recording Bartok from the piano over the top. If we get to work out how this software works, there will be no stopping him. Ben and I smiled from our manatee rich, post dinner ease. What fab boys I have. Sorry if I sound smug, but they are just such fun if you have the energy. Let's fly....

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