It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

500th Blip!!!!.......

Well I made it to 500!

Had no idea I would be able to do a blip everyday. Its now part of my life and its automatic to make sure I have a blip everyday.
Its getting the balance right so it doesn't take over.
I think I have just got to that point now. Photography is a huge hobby for me now and I enjoy getting out and finding new places and seeing more of the world around me....cause your a long time dead!

My friends now are all blippers and I first met Still Rockin and Loose Canon through photography and blip and of course my dear Best friend PaulaK. (Hopefully she will be blipping everyday again soon)

I took advantage of the Lifetime membership of blip so I'm here to stay I hope.

Carry On Blipping ;-))

Draco The 500th Blip Dragon xx

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