It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Im On Another Planet........

Called planet Infra Red ;-)
I gave up trying to edit RAW IR files so I went back to Jpeg and editing is far easier in Jpeg...for now.

Ive not swapped the channels in this just played around with all manor of sliders! lol

Hope you like it.

I have put 6 of my bug shots from todays walk on the Blippers Community Overspill page on Flickr....However Flickr is playing up enormously tonight and I have no idea if its my pc or its happening to everybody!


Draco The From Another Planet Dragon xx

PS A very happy 500th Blip day to my good friends
Still Rockin
Loose Canon

Ok I think I have found out why my links were not working!
To get to Blippers Community Overspill click HERE

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