The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Woodpeckers at 50, in turquoise plumage

It was either this one with the double chins, or another where my face looks like a hallowe'en mask! Still my first proper selfie, and I got some new clothes in the same shade of startling turquoise as my new trainers!

I packed, and managed to fit everything in, after much juggling. It was a gorgeous sunny day, but I spent most of it packing, or getting ready to pack. I am flying out to Crete tomorrow from Gatwick. I am hoping the studios in Rethymnon will have wifi but I really can't remember, having last thought about them in October!

My wireless keyboard seems to have died, but I will keep on blipping, circumstances permitting. Hoping to bring you some sunny scenes from Crete! Never been there before, despite my brother having lived there for the past 20 years. The occasion of this visit is my friend Una's 50 th birthday, and mine two months ago. This year is awash with 50th celebrations, and I am intending to take advantage of them all!

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