Vacant Property

I seem to have a lot of empty snail shells in my garden (always a handy prop for a blip) but just recently I have started thinking a bit more about this. How does a snail move from one shell to another shell as it grows, in fact does it shed it's shell of does it just grow with the snail? One of life's imponderable questions?

Anyway here is a focus stack on a vacant snail shell. I took a lot of pictures and stacked them, but the software seems to have struggled a little on the intersection between the interior of the shell and the exterior, but checking back through the inputs there were some images with this area in focus. Maybe better luck with this another time.

Tomorrow is potentially an exciting day out for me (no work for me tomorrow) and I hope I can blip from where I'm going, but there may be some restrictions on what I can photograph.....

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