wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Every button tells a story

I have lots of buttons. I used to buy lots at auctions. ( boy I just say the word auction and start to get excited)
It seems as though I have inherited some along the way. I have my mom's, grandmothers, Donal's Aunt Peggy's and various boxes bought at yard and jumble sales.
When I moved from my old house, I got rid of tons of buttons. On my mind crack Pinterest boards, I have tons of ideas of what to do with them. However, there they sit in a basket or an old coffee can or old milk bottles.
really how many projects can you do? Turns out hundreds
These are some of my black mother of pearl buttons. I used to string them into bracelets. They sound like Bakelite when you shake them. (A true collector of Bakelite knows what that means)
When I look at them I wonder where they came from.
Coats, shirts, pants, or maybe a sweater or jacket?
More importantly what is holding up that garment now? OMG I have figured it out! THAT'S the problem with the pants the young men are wearing .......I have all their buttons. Please call me boys, I would love to give you some.
My Nana made hooked wool rugs. I have a lot of buttons that she must have cut off of coats before she sliced and braided the wool.

I think of a few button disasters I have had.
(yup this is the part you wait for. You know it)

I once did a whole performance with a sweater buttoned incorrectly. Of course that would be on YouTube too. Hey and who hasn't had a button fly off of their pants when taking a deep breath and stretching ( think slutty mermaid pose).
Shirt buttons hate me. They avoid their little button holes preferring to let the world know at every movement just what color bra I am wearing that day. Stretching also will pop the buttons across your chest if you don't watch out. Again depending on the force of the stretch, I can hit a cat at 10 feet.
It seems as though at 2 o'clock in the morning on the way to the restroom you will find one of three things, cat puke, mouse, or a button you could have dropped 3 years ago. (Yup they sit under the couch or the bed and wait until a night when I am half asleep and throw them self in front of me..........kamikaze buttons)
On another note I just didn't feel it yesterday. I am sorry. I have hives. BIG hives. I am living on Benadryl . Oh who am I kidding? I'm not living on Benadryl, I am trying to function on Benadryl. I am going to try Claritin tomorrow. I can't wear clothes. Anything tight against me drives me crazy.
Which made for fun at Whole Foods this afternoon.
(I am kidding, ......... I went to Shaws)
Maybe ice cream will help.
Ice cream always helps.
Actually an adult beverage would help but I want to wake up in the morning!

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