a long overdue reunion

The children and I went on a road trip to visit friends from University for the weekend. We've been talking about organising this get together for ages now but various new arrivals, house purchases/moves and big life events have gotten in the way so it has been a few years since we met up - well 3 of us anyway. We missed the rest of you, and have vowed not to leave it so long again.

Anyway, I have to start by saying Sophie's house is AMAZING. I could quite happily live forever in the shed in her garden ;-) The kids had a lovely time too, running about with all that space. We arrived at tea time after a 4 hour drive and Soph had made playdoh. Rory (2.5) did very well sharing his toys. Lara (5m) is seriously THE most chilled out baby i have ever met. You know you hear about these babies who sleep through the night from 4 weeks old and never cry or make a fuss? Well, i was sceptical such a drea baby existed but I've seen with my own eyes. Amazing! Harly heard a peep from her all weekend. Happy to be cuddled, happy to be put down, happy entertaining herself in her bouncer...happy naked, happy clothed, happy hungry, happy fed. Quite fascinating!

We ate lasagne, finally got the little ones to sleep and then drank 2 bottles of wine (oops!)...of course, they were awake for the day at 6.30am....

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