Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Skype hype

The first day in at least 350 years (give or take a few) where it didn't rain AND it was on the weekend!! Are we blessed or what?!

We celebrated by keeping the back door open ALL DAY! Nobody can tell us we don't know how to pa-aaa-aaa-rteeee.

We all pottered about doing the things we wanted. The kids played at adventurers in the garden, Bry went to the supermarket (okay, maybe he didn't do exactly what he wanted to do) and I got round to re-potting the sweet peas I've been growing - which I'm very excited about. That sounds like I'm being sarky, but I really am. I'll have grown some flowers! From seed! For the first time ever. Oh and I got the blueberry & raspberry canes in the ground - i think I even put them the right way up!

Just before tea Arlo and his pal Struan had their first ever Skype chat. It was hilarious. Lots of chat about poo-poo heads and bum flashing.

All those years of technology and innovation before them and two boys from opposite sides of the Forth discuss poo, pumps, bums and Lego.

Quite reassuring actually....

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