A hint of Spring...

...in the air. We took some flowers up to the cemetery this afternoon to my Mum. Buncle also wanted to give one of the roses we had brought for Mum to Aunty Rose and Uncle Sandy, my Dad's brother and his wife, so we did that too.

Whilst we were up there we also took a wee wander up to another family grave in the old cemetery. My paternal grandparents and my brother who died in infancy are in that layer. Also remembered on the stone is my father's brother who was shot down over the North Sea on his way back from a bombing raid in 1944, at the age of 21.

After our cemetery visits we headed back down to Causewayhead and spent some time in the park there after the obligatory trip to Corrieri's.

Then it was back home for a lovely Mother's Day tea...lovely flowers and cards for me today from the Barmy Army...some great handmade ones.

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