cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster


"I also hope somehow you've known,
The feelings that may not have shown.
The admiration, thanks and love,
You've been more than deserving of.
If I could have one wish come true,
I'd wish I could be just like you."

Happy Mother's Day!

This year more than ever, thanks to decisions in recent days, the words contained within the card I posted to my mum have never been more important to me. Mum is the bravest person I know, who is so determined and has this well refined 'take no prisoners' attitude thanks to her job as a bank manager. Ever since she beat cancer and came through all the treatment, these personal qualities have been stronger and more visible in her than ever before!

But the most important change I've seen in her is the depth of her faith in the big man upstairs! Whilst I couldn't decide the best path for my future this week she, like dad, kept reminding me of God's influence in it all and how regardless of the decision I made I had to hope and put my trust in him that my future will be OK. Her and dad had to trust him on many occasions during her treatment and he has made her future OK....I often long for the depth of faith that mum has, perhaps then I would have had more faith to take a chance on a new start....

Mum and I are very similar - too similar sometimes which can lead to the odd personality clash but it is true that as you get older you appreciate your mum more and she becomes not just your mum, but your best friend too who always has your best interests at heart even if you can't see them for yourself!

Always trust a mother's intuition!

And even if you don't have a close relationship with your mum, you still might have reason to thank her today - I read recently that you inherit your wrinkles from your mother's side of the family! haha! :)

# Daughters - John Mayer #

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