Garden pots

Today was prep day for working in the garden tomorrow. We did all the running around for supplies at the garden center and one of the things I needed was a large ceramic pot for outside my back door.
There were a lot to choose from but I knew what I was looking for and found it almost immediately. A far easier purchase than the one I had to make yesterday for my sneakers. The one I chose is not pictured here but I will blip it when I have it all set up on the porch with flowers in it.

Tomorrow the weather promises to be warm, sunny and in the 60's! A perfect day for working outside. Today was very windy although the sun was out so I won't complain. I gave my new sneakers a testing out and went for a walk in the neighborhood. They felt great! I think I did a good job breaking them in and I hope to get out and walk often now that we are having better weather.

Tonight it's dinner and a movie. We are going to see Noah with Russell Crowe. It seems to have gotten good reviews so far.

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