Miniature audience

Today was probably the most productive day I've had in a long, long time. I finally don't feel sick and I finally don't feel crazy from the steroids. I went over to the local hardware store that is also a garden center and picked up some plants to stick in my pots outside, around the lamppost on the front lawn and also for my window box outside the kitchen window. It felt so good to be outside digging in the dirt. The weather was pleasant enough although as the sun went down so did the temperatures.
I started the day like most sitting in the family room having my coffee. My husband was sitting with me and the sun was streaming in the windows making the entire room feel like spring. I'm not really aware of much before the coffee/tea kicks in so I was just staring into the yard and thinking of all the work (fun work) to be done. I turned my head and saw an entire miniature family staring back at me. My granddaughter had arranged her doll house family in such a way that we felt like we were being watched as we had our breakfast! We both noticed it at the same time and started laughing. Even the little dog was propped up in the crib facing towards the couch. I shouldn't read into it too much but the babies and men were all in the front row and the women (grandmother, mommy) were all sitting behind them.
My beautiful begonias are my choice for my Blip today. I just hope I didn't put them out too soon. I don't think we'll get a frost tonight but you never know with this crazy weather!

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