Nice view
Frustrating shopping morning. Lost my purse. I'd left a basket full of shopping in a shop that only takes cash to pop down to the cashpoint, and discovered my purse was gone. I traced my steps from the last place I remembered having it... but it wasn't there. Disconsolately I went back to the shop where I'd left a basket of stuff in case I'd somehow dropped it there - and it was in the shopping basket. Loon. Not sure where my head was this morning.
We're doing a bit of decorating at home. Now high ceilings are great, but not when you need scaffolding just to get a bit of painting done. So the rest of the morning was spent assembling a scaffolding tower, taking it to bits when we realised we'd put the top bits at the bottom, then putting it back up.
A quick walk around sunset was a nice break from all that. Here's a bench at the top of the golf course, looking wistfully over to the Cockenzie power station.
Early blip for me today as I'm off to K's school Christmas Concert. Mr B doesn't want to go, so I'll be Billy-no-mates, but on the plus side it means Conor doesn't have to come with us and be wriggly, squirmy annoying boy for 90 minutes.
Red Onion Marmalade update: No progress to speak of today, but I will be on it tomorrow and will post the recipe (if it turns out nice) once I've decided what's going in. (If mine's rubbish I'll post a random recipe from the internet and just lie about it.) And to answer a question from yesterday: no, I don't think you would put it on toast, but it's delicious in gravy, or on an oatcake with goats cheese.
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