
By AnthonyBailey

Water, water everywhere

…and plenty of drops to drink from the tap. But we prefer bottled water, using resources to produce it and to get rid of the plastic waste it creates.

Getting water into our taps and out through the sewage system also uses resources and has an environmental impact. The more water we use, the greater the impact.

A majority of homes still pay a fixed charge for water based on a mysterious figure called rateable value, giving no incentive to use water sparingly.

Limitless clean water turns us into waterholics, showering our bodies at least once a day and endlessly shampooing our hair, washing our clothes and cars and watering our gardens.

What we pay for gas and electricity depends on how much we use. Usage is measured by a meter.

Compulsory water metering is coming in some areas but it will take many years to install meters in all homes in these areas. It should be compulsory everywhere and as soon as possible. Meanwhile, anyone with a conscience can opt for a meter. Meters are green.

One day, the limitless supply may dry up. We are unlikely then to look back on this relatively brief era of daily showers (my childhood pre-dates the era) with fondness. We’ll probably think we were mad.

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