
By AnthonyBailey

Prince Igor and Andy Murray

…Coliseum, St Martins Lane

I enjoyed Borodin’s Prince Igor, performed by Novaya Opera of Moscow. It had much of what I like in opera: wonderful soloists, lots of crowd scenes and choruses, dancing, good music throughout and the occasional memorable tune.

It is based on a medieval epic poem but its themes resonate today:

- psychopathic warlords who lead men to their slaughter and, having lost the lot, recruit more to do it all over again
- power-crazed males who rape women and act as role models for their male followers
- mindless masses who think royals should be treated like royalty
- celebrity sex and love
- myths of monarchs and battles that turn beasts into heroes.

The Sochi Olympics opening ceremony used music from Borodin’s opera and the myth of Russian hero Prince Igor. The historical Russian Igor was based in what we now call Ukraine.

On this island, we have the myth of Robert the Bruce and Bannockburn. The historical Robert the Bruce of Scotland and Edward II of England were Prince Igors out for themselves, Bannockburn a victory for a Scottish warlord and a defeat for humanity.

‘When will we see your like again
that fought and died for
your wee bit hill and glen
and stood against him
proud Edward’s army
and sent him homeward
tae think again?’

Flower of Scotland has become a national anthem for Scotland because it appeals to the infantile anti-English mindset and visceral racism of many a Scot.

When Andy Murray came to England to play at the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon in 2006, he was asked which team he would be supporting in that year’s football world cup finals. Out of the mouth of this 19-year babe, unprotected by media minders, came the answer, ‘Anyone but England’. He spoke for Scotland.

Vote ‘Yes’ to independence and ‘Yes’ to an adult Scotland.

Ridding our own minds of harmful myths can be done in an instant. Ridding the world of psychopathic warlords, power-crazed rulers, mindless masses and celebrity obsession will take longer.

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