Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Packing up History

Still in the pattern of waking too early, this morning it was just after 4am.

Had breakfast and then started printing off change of address notices I had made for Grandma. My printer decided to stop working after 10 copies; I need 25. I will need to go get them photocopied.
Started to feel anxious and agitated as I also have to sort out her newspaper deliveries. Just having two little things to do, I can’t cope. It feels like I have a mountain to climb and I don’t know where to start. I feel so angry with myself.

Late morning along to Grandma’s flat to start clearing out ready for selling. I spent 3 and half hours in the kitchen wrapping and charity bagging stuff and binning others. By the end I was exhausted. Ridiculous.
This is one of Grandma’s ornaments which was her Mum’s, so well over 100 years old.

Came home and had an hours sleep.

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