Leave him alone, he'll play for HOURS.

Sorrrrry, still playing with P.S.

Quick hurtle out to Hazeldene, via Llama Karma kafe.

Gaffer had a badly timed I.N.R. appointment, so we thought we'd have a bite @ the aforementioned and toddle on to Hazeldene.
I noticed the Marmosets were still in attendance, but all the birds had been replaced by this one.

"Hell! That looks like a Kestrel, I'm off for a decko while they make them."

Ruddy thing took one look and metaphorically "legged it" into it's "bedroom", stuck its head down and its bum up and squeaked at me. For reasons best known to itself, it then launched itself straight at me at head height, coming to rest like a budgie clinging to the bars.
Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough for any action stuff and just shot it for the hell of it.

THEN I got it up and thought "I wonder how versatile P.S. is?" The answer would appear to be ... fairly.

BTW. I see plenty folk saying things like "Best viewed large" and even giving a link ... Like we didn't know how.
In this case I'll say
"Best NOT viewed large."

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