Proud mum, step-dad and surrogate Aunt!

Tonight, Corin, Me and my friend Lisa (who stepped in to take a spare ticket because James' Dad wasn't able to make it) went to see the Young Voices concert at the MEN arena in Manchester.

James was sat up high - I spotted him quite early on, BECAUSE he was stood next to his super tall friend - after that, we watched him almost all night - he was really getting his groove on at times.

There were thousands of children, representing schools from the Northwest - they've been practising and learning songs for weeks. I'm sure that every parent, relative or friend in the house felt the same enormous pride that their child was participating in such an awesome concert. The highlight for me was when they sang Adiemus with a group called All Angels - it was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.

Tonight I am as proud as proud can be. So thank you James, for giving us the opportunity to come and see you at the MEN arena - words can't describe how much we enjoyed ourselves. I'm glad I am your mum

Love you honey

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