Isn't the blossom lovely?

Well, after yesterday's unfruitful search for some silver coloured galvanised plant pots, Ann had a brainwave last night............................... She’s ordered some galvanised buckets from 'Amazon' which she is going to use as plant pots.

She’s been feeling really pleased with herself all day because she thought it was such a good idea and buckets are a lot cheaper than pots she didn’t think that anyone else would have had the brainwave to be so creative.

............................She’s not as creative as she thought she was!!!!

After my afternoon walk past all these lovely trees, we nipped to ‘Morrison’s’ because there is 25% off wine Ann wanted a few bits & bobs. And guess what she bought?..............................

.......................A busy lizzie growing kit which consists of a silver galvanised bucket, busy lizzie seeds & compost. All for £3.

Not sure why she only bought one?! It’s fabulous.

Looks like we’ll be going back to 'Morrison’s' tomorrow for a few more!!

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