Watching the world go by

Today I went to work with Ann.  At the STAR empire, Ann & her colleagues, were very, very busy.  The delivery drivers were in and out of the unit all day long so the big huge shutters were open.

When I go to work I’m supposed to stay in the office…………  But that’s a bit boring for a nosey little collie like me.

I’m a very intelligent little collie so I’ve worked out…………… that when Ann leaves the office, if I’m quick, I can sneak out with her and then I can go for a bit of a wander about.  I love wandering around in the STAR unit and I especially love it when the shutters are open because then I can lie down in the sunshine and watch everyone passing by.

The trouble is………………………  Even though I was in ‘good collie mode’ and just lay here sensibly; Ann says she doesn’t trust me enough to let me lie here unattended.  I'm almost 11 years old so I guess she's never going to trust me now??!!

The post office sorting office is just up the road, so lots of posties pass by all day long.  I HATE posties!

There’s a bus depot just round the corner, so lots of buses drive by all day long.  I HATE buses!

The skateboard park is just across the road, so lots of kids skateboard by all day long.  I HATE skateboarders!

Ann says if I learn not to go into ‘killer collie’ mode when I see a postie, bus or skateboarder, then she might trust me to lie here by myself.

………………….Unfortunately Ann goes to work to work otherwise she wouldn’t be able to afford all the nice treats I get so she hasn’t got the time to spend hanging around by the open shutters all day long, keeping watch on a neurotic collie.

……………………..And that’s why I have to spend most of the day in the office.

PS – I’ve only had ‘on my lead’ walks today (& a 5 min play in the park) but having been at STAR from 8.30-5.30 and having to keep an eye on everything that was going on; I’m now an exhausted little collie.  Ann gave me my dinner as soon as we got home but I don’t want it.  I went straight into my bed and have been sound asleep ever since.  Apart from dictating my blip to Ann of course?!

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