First stop Cardiff University, K2 has her interview for the MA in journalism. With her leg in plaster it seemed like a good idea to give her a lift to help her get there on time. Ever prepared, we arrive half an hour early and leave her to it. I've arranged to work in the Cardiff office today and K is along "just in case". K settles down to read in the directors office while I settle down in the slaves office to get stuck in.
By lunchtime all is quiet so we set off to town to find some lunch. No sooner do we cross the Taff bridge than I spot a few lonely looking tables in the castle grounds, just waiting for customers. A new one on me this, a tea room in the gatehouse to the castle grounds - irresistible! We trot in and are shepherded to our table upstairs. A cosy little room with a few other customers when we arrived. Very "tea-shoppe" but not overdone, plenty of interesting little details to make oldies like us me feel at home. Excellent service and our freshly prepared meal is soon with us, which surprises me a little as downstairs was full and there didn't seem to be many staff bustling around. Whatever, I was pleased to have my lunch delivered quickly.
Soon found out that this "little" tea shop is indeed popular. Before we'd finished our meal the place was jammed full of customers - just as well we'd headed out a little bit earlier for lunch. One of the advantages of being a freelance, I get to come and go when it suits me. I'm happy to take early lunches and then put in the hours later to get the job done.
I head back to the office and K heads in to town to do some afternoon shopping. Barely settled in when I get a phone call from K2; they called her in for interview first as a concession to her plastered leg . So,emergency recall to the shopper in town and we head off to collect K2 to return home.
Seems like it's been a long day so a Meditation before another couple of hours on the project . Always a good idea to meditate because when I come out of it we're all agreed that a celebration meal from the Tamarind is in order! Predictably it's a Biryani and Jalfrezi tonight, together with a film download - "Gravity" - to unwind at the end of the day.
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