Reading list
This may bring back a lot of memories to blippers of a certain age (well, my age and a bit older really!) This set of books came out in the 1960s and were intended to help parents help their children learn to read.
Mr B's mum, in the teeth of a series of teachers' strikes in the 1970s, decided to take the bull by the horns and teach her son to read, since the school didn't seem to be managing it. I'm happy to report that her hard work and determination seemed to pay off and he now copes with really quite big words (oh, he'll kill me for this!)
I do sometimes get a little irritated by parents whining about what schools are not teaching their kids: they want more times tables, more spelling, whatever. Granted, they may have a point with some issues (especially at the moment when every hour of the school day is devoted to practising for the all-important Christmas concert and the community Christmas church service) but why not just get on with it yourselves? Fill in the gaps that you perceive - take responsibility for your own children.
Then complain.
Beautiful sunshine this morning, with an entrancingly pink dawn sky. But I didn't get out with the camera, so here's a blipbank shot.
Must . Go . Outside . Tomorrow.
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