
By CarrieD

I see you, looking at me!

After a successful evening yesterday taking lovely pictures of the window sill, I decided to move the tripod this morning into a better viewing position of the bird feeder and sat with a cup of tea, waiting expectantly.

This was after I had been well and truly "fooled" by Jonathan, who drew the bedroom curtains and said excitedly "there's a bird of prey on the feeder". At which I leapt out of bed, fumbled feverishly for the compact in my bottomless handbag and staggered towards the window. To be met with the words "April Fool" and hysterical laughter! He says he's never seen me get out of bed so quickly!!

Anyway, we saw a couple of sparrows and starlings, and a large, intimidating jackdaw-rookie-crow. This little chap looked straight in at me - so I don't know who was watching who.

Hoping for more visitors as time goes on. I've cleaned the window inside and out to give us a better chance of seeing them! (although there are lots of ripples and a strange misty area in the glass, as it is old and single-glazed).

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