...And a Bouquet of Roses!
A final day of
travel, my dream kitchen waits,
peachy roses too!
~ carliewired
We passed through Canadian Customs with the greatest of ease before 9 AM. It always surprises me that we can do that without a hitch. One hears so many stories about unfortunate experiences at the border crossing. Considering how many places there are in a travel trailer to ferret items away, I always expect to be pulled over and given the 'shakedown'. So, a pleasant surprise just to sail through unaccosted!!
We had breakfast in Penticton, British Columbia then on to Vernon, British Columbia for a brief stop. (still heading north on hwy 97) I found a shiny red kettle to go with my stunning new kitchen waiting for me at home.
We could see rain on the horizon heading west into Kamloops on the Trans Canada Highway. D managed to get the trailer landed and disconnected before the storm arrived. I gave me time to visit with Kid #2 and her hubby and my grandferret. I came bearing gifts from Arizona!
With help I unloaded the basics from the travel trailer and we headed up the hill to my house. I couldn't wait to see my beautiful kitchen reno. N did a fabulous job! It is just gorgeous!! I've waited more than 10 years to see it finally finished and looking so wonderful! I have to keep walking back into the kitchen to see it again and again! And the icing on the cake – a fabulous bouquet of roses on my dining room table to welcome me home !!! Wow!
* Internet is not working at my house. More issues with the cable company to deal with. Must drive to the office for a wifi connection.....grrrrr!
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