Started with a Snowy...Ending with a Snowy

11:40 p.m., and I'm just starting to post. NO, NO...SAY IT AIN'T SO!!

This is my last hurrah. My bags are packed, my van is loaded, the sheets have been changed, the fridge has been cleaned out, and my computer is about to be turned off.

Tough decision today. Stay home and watch my two Michigan teams play basketball, or run out to the ocean. Ahhhhh...the sweet smell of the sea. I did get home in time to see both of my teams lose. There was a time when the losses would have REALLY bothered me. Now...not so much.

I downed the last of my Florida orange juice, and had my last heaping helping guessed it...strawberry shortcake. As usual...deeeelicious!

I may be off-line for the ride home. Not quite sure what I'm going to do yet.

11 vacation-ending photos on my FLICKR PAGE. I almost put up the picture of the pretty girl on the horse...but felt I needed to end with a shorebird.

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