Running round

Oh it's been a busy day. We were all up early as my brother had a big hill walk with the scouts. I gave mummy her card and flowers in bed. She was very pleased. We then all rushed about getting dressed.

Once we had dropped my brother off we went shopping. Mummy needed to get my cousin Ruaridh his birthday present. We also needed more flowers, for my mummy's aunt, she doesn't have any children but helped look after her when she was a little girl. Also for her godmother. I, of course, was very organised, I had drawn on all my cards for grandma, granny and my godmother. All my flowers where cool in the utility room.

We then ran round, we dropped mummy's aunties flowers, then we went to grandmas. I had a great time. Running round, showing grandma my dancing and the sleeping bunny dance. Grandad and mummy popped out for a while to check out the damage on auntie Gillian's car. She has a bump yesterday so grandad went to look at the car to give her an idea how much work will be needed.

We then left for home, via mummy's godmothers, we had to leave her flowers on her doorstop so she will have a nice surprise later.

We all had a lovely roast dinner for dinner, which daddy cooked! I had a mad hour, running round, spinning and playing in my car.

When it came to bed time, I was so not ready. It was too early, why do we change the clocks? Eventually after cuddles with mummy and a face time chat with grandma and grandad, and a spoonful of ibuprofen, I was snoring away in mummy's and daddy's bed.

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