
By pattons6


I have had a fantastic day. I had a long lie in until 8.30. When I finally got up I watched the tv on the iPad while mummy had a shower. Daddy then got home from taking my brother to football. We then went out to watch my sister play football. I had fun rolling round the pitch and waving to my sister.

When we got home I had a big lunch, I had my lasagne, then I had a bit of my brother and sisters lunch then some of daddy's. I was so full but didn't want to nap. Daddy out me up in my cot to see if I would sleep. After 5 minutes of saying no, I didn't cry but had a nice cuddle with my teddy. The next thing I know daddy is waking me up asking how my nap was, how does that happen. I have heard though that mummy has some fairy dust that helps us sleep, seemingly daddy had some today as he had a nap at the same time as me!!

We all went to the beach today. Yes you heard me right the beach. 3 degrees outside, blowing a gale and daddy thinks it would be great to blow some the cobwebs away by nearly getting me blown away. We fed the ducks, swans and geese. I kept saying duck quack. Duck quack, grandma told me that so I told mummy. I was on my bike and I waved to everyone.

Tonight we had a lovely family night. We all watched a movie with pizza, flavoured water and dancing. Okay, I may have been the only one dancing but I had a great time.

So it's off to dance with the fairies now. Its Mother's Day tomorrow so I will be doing all the things mummy does, not quite sure what that involves but always ready to try.

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