State of the Nation

I watched the last part of the Bill Nighy spy trilogy tonite. It was ace. Love that word, ace. Not the coolest of words I grant you, but ace all the same time. Our world....... I wondered the other day whilst walking by a gaggle of hoodlums without a pleasant passing word to string between then, what our world would turn into if all law broke down, if all that we know was put at the mercy of mankind in all his glistening coat of glum. Of course our worlds history and indeed our present day is littered with such despicable examples.

I wonder, when all is said and spent and squeezed so dry that you could wipe out the very moisture from the air, would we in fact rise back up because at our very core is the need for good to triumph over bad? Ultimately is this the way we break down?

Hope is all we have and I hope this deep rooted feeling in my soul is right.

Peace and love to all and to my mother and the mothers of all the worlds children may peace ring true and long and hard.


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