A time for everything

By turnx3

Jubilant Singers

I am really struggling to keep up with Blip at present - just too much going on, so I apologise for my shortage of comments lately. I have back-blipped Wednesday and Thursday, but still have Friday and Saturday to go! Fortunately our morning at church wasn't quite as long as usual, as we didnt have Joyful Noise handbell choir practice. My kind husband offered to get lunch for us, while I started wrapping presents to mail to England. I took a break for a little while in the afternoon, and watched the second half of the Bengals football game (which they won!), while doing some knitting. Then a bit of ironing before getting ready to go out to our second Jubilant Singers concert, which was at our own church. We had a better crowd this evening than Friday evening, and also had the pleasure of hearing our own Chancel Bell Choir, who are outstanding! I'm fourth from the left on the front row!

One year ago: First snowfall

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