It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

Worked Hard on this One!

It's been a week where I've been up and down more than a faulty ECG. I'd been feeling poorly to but I was full of beans this morning. Decided! After watching Storyville about Bigfoot Hunters in the USA (ya gotta watch it) I jumped on my bike and headed to Parkrun in Marple.

The last time I did the course, I struggled with the mud so decided to wear my spikes! I did a proper warm-up and chose my position carefully. The start was crazy with lunatic children and middle-aged men sprinting off way too fast! Fortunately, I had passed most of them by the first turn and was soon into my running. The spikes were a godsend, that was until we reached the proper path and it was harder than expected! Not the comfiest experience. It was a hard but relatively uneventful run on this tough course, but I was delighted to get a PB in sluggish conditions! A surprise after being properly ill on Thursday. Just off top 20 though! Boo!

I then headed to the wonderful Libby's a cornucopia of patisserie delights! Their vanilla slices are amazing, just like I remember them being out of Fords the Bakers in Musselburgh when I was a kid. Loaded down with my delights, I started the tough climb out of Marple Bridge only to be passed by a man on a Colnago! He was seemingly throwing the gauntlet down and I stupidly took the bait! Argh.......although my breathing was fine, my legs were hurting like crazy. We chatted a little and he was nice but hey.....such things are unimportant to the male ego! He smashed it heading up the hill to Charlesworth and formed about a 50m gap rapidly. I sensed weakness though and dug in a bit when he had relaxed! Boom! He was dropped, trailing far behind and thankfully I turned off left to go home, thus ending the knobishness.

I had a couple of fried egg rolls and then my vanilla slice way before lunchtime! Yummy! Then Rosemary Skyped me (I smashed my mobile on Thursday too) to say that she's smashed her PB at Edinburgh Parkrun in a time of 19:45! Good lassie!

It was then off to Glossop for my fruit and deli shop. Sarah in Praze was on form. I said "hmmm I fancy something Cheddary for a change". "Isle of Mull, Andy?" she asked! "Hmmm, yes please" I replied "all the best things come out of Scotland" to which she replied "yes, and they should go back too" Blahhhhhh!

I then spent a few hours in the garden which was a total state! It still needs a fair amount of work! I spent too long thinking about how to do this image! Then I washed my bike and prepped it for tomorrow's long took 90 mins! Now I'm exhausted again!

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