
Beautiful Cambridge,
I wish you weren't so busy;
Headache inducing!

I love the city of Cambridge. I love the wide array of architecture, I love its combination of ancient and modern. Today I even found a shop I may love more than Paperchase (called Tiger) but couldn't stay in there long as, although their wares are seemingly bargaintastic, wide-ranging, and plentiful in purple, the layout is very busy & claustrophobic and after a few minutes I was suffering a little.

I don't love that it's always packed with human beings! Every time I brave it, whatever time of year, it's like a Christmas shopping day. Why weren't these crowds having picnics in the parks or punting in the sunshine on such a beautiful day?!

Had a lovely day-before Mothers Day lunch with my mum and brother and noticed several new artworks around and about that weren't there the last time I went...including the awesome and colourful sculpture you see a hint of here in memory of a local eccentric fundraiser. There was no way I was going to make my way through the crowd watching the unicyclist to get a better shot though!

Stella stayed with Grandad and helped him in the garden, trying to plead starvation when I returned even though I know for a fact she never goes short of treats when my Dad's in charge. For every one biscuit I give her, he gives her 3!

Had a nap before we came home but absolutely exhausted. I recorded the F1 qualifying to watch this evening but I've a feeling I'll have nodded off on the sofa before I'm anywhere close to knowing who's on pole!

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