The Long Good Friday


The day didn't start well with Stella having a seizure. Full on shivering, teeth chattering and scared eyes. Only for a few minutes but as she hasn't had an episode in months it came as quite a shock. I was more than relieved when by breakfast time she was absolutely fine.

I'd offered to take Mum shopping and to deliver my Great Aunt's groceries too and was in 2 minds as whether I should cancel and call the emergency vet instead but I kept an eye on her and she was still back to her old self a couple of hours later so I felt it was ok to leave her.

We had a relaxing coffee before attacking the aisles in Tescos and it wasn't manically busy so I felt fine just getting my few bits until all of a sudden the old panic attack feelings hit me and I had to get out of there! I managed to pay and pack in a daze and got out in the fresh air. Had a walk around the car park and said hello to Bach's Rescue Remedy a few times before heading back in to get Mum. At least nowadays I realise that I will soon be fine again and it's not as scary as it used to be.

After another breather we set off again forewarned by Dad that the road was flooded (again!), but, and I quote..."it's ok, you'll hardly get your wheels wet." He lied! It was rather deeper than he'd led me to believe and there was no way I was doing it in both directions!

Eventually we got back to Stella and collected her for a car ride to Granny's house. I felt much better after a little lunch (ham sarnie, Lent fans) and we went to find a geocache in a nearby village.

It was the Church Micro type and seemed a pretty place for a blip. There was nowhere safe to leave the car for the other 2 caches I'd made a note of so we went to the park instead.

Back for half a nap in front of the TV while we waited for Dad and my brother & sister-in-law for fish & chips tea :)

Delayed coming home by some animals in the road. Didn't find out what but there was quite a traffic jam and the police were obviously having a hard time looking in the dark for whatever had got loose on the A14.

Made a cuppa when I got in with the intention of catching up on the TV soaps but was asleep before I'd even had a sip of it!

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