
This is one of the pieces I liked at the annual Strathendrick Embroiderers Guild exhibition that's on in Drymen Library at the moment. Every year I am amazed at the creative talent on display!

Apart from having a very tasty lamb-and-haggis pie lunch in The Clachan with friend Alison I have had a quiet day. That was after I'd received an early morning phone-call to warn me that a man from Scottish Water was on his way to empty the septic tank. That can't be the most pleasant of occupations, but he was such a lovely, obliging chap!

D#1 has gone off to Perth for the day to attend the Scottish Conference of Africa Inland Mission, an organisation she supports, having lived in Botswana and Sudan. I'm expecting her back at some point later and we will slouch in front of the box.

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