
Maybe it was the hour's less sleep due to the clocks changing, but I got off to a grumpy start this morning when the chap I'd booked to come and measure/quote for carpeting turned up half-an-hour early - 9 o'clock on a Sunday morning! On the phone he had suggested 9am on Sunday (I was surprised that he was working at all on a Sunday) and I had asked him to make it 9.30. Fortunately I was up and dressed, but only just!

My mood improved after I'd had breakfast and settled into my usual lazy Sunday morning routine of reading the paper and ironing, plus some further de-cluttering. I'm on a roll, but there's a long way to go!

In the afternoon I set off on a walk/bliphunt during a break in the showers. This old stone wall with its green velvet coat was the only thing that caught my eye, but I rather liked the little ivy climbing the wall.

Writing those last few words has reminded me of a silly song from my childhood. Does anyone else remember it? (ignore the first 24 seconds.)

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