
Before European explorers had reached Australia, it was believed that all swans were white. Dutch mariner, Antounie Caen, was the first to sight the Australia’s Black swans at Sharks Bay in 1636.
Explorer Willem de Vlamingh captured two of these creatures on Australia’s Swan River and returned with them to Europe to prove their existence.
From that point on, black swans and Australia have been closely linked.
During the nineteenth century, the original Western Australian colony was called
"the Swan River Settlement."
In 1973, the black swan was officially proclaimed as the "bird emblem" of the Government of Western Australia and now appears on our state flag.
Today, the black swan is still found in various wetland habitats in Australia.

A very early start with a trip to the airport this morning, Chris & Emma are now in Singapore waiting to board their next flight later this evening, Anniemay will be waiting at the other end for them in the early hours of Sunday morning to take them home.

A cloudy day today, we drove to Riverton, ate our lunch by the river, these black swans were eager to share it!
We drove over to wish our daughter Sara a Happy Birthday on the way home, they had been to puppy class with Effie who is growing by the day! a playful puppy & full of affection for everyone.

Euphonious: plenty of sweets sounds around today..
Our Daughter & her Family
The birds while we ate.
The sound of the river
The Swans

Happy Birthday to our beautiful daughter Sara!!

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